Do you have leadership skills? Are you interested in guiding this great organization? Are you an active member? Then now's the time to throw your hat in the ring for the Women in Film Dallas Board of Directors 2015 Elections.
Nominations are now open for the four officer positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
In order to run for the board OR to vote, you must be a current member of WIFD. Make sure your membership is up to date now so that you can be a part of this year’s elections!
Nominations are due by 5:00 pm Monday, November 17 to be placed on the ballot. Nominations should be emailed to elections@wifdallas.org and include:
1) Candidate's Name, Email and Phone Number
2) Bio describing why you are the right fit (max 100 words)
3) Non-profit Board/Leadership Experience (max 50 words)
4) WIFD Service & Membership History (max 50 words)
5) Professional Experience in the industry (max 50 words)
Interested candidates should also make themselves familiar with WIFD bylaws and policies.
OFFICER POSITIONS - Elected for 1 Year Term beginning January 1, 2015.
PRESIDENT: Oversees the day to day functions of the organization, acts as the representative of the organization as needed for public speaking opportunities and an ambassador for the organization, chairs the monthly board meetings, works with the Board to create engaging and educational programs and opportunities for the organization's members, and performs various other duties as necessary.
VICE PRESIDENT: Assists the President with all duties outlined above, promotes the organization in the President's absence, and performs various other duties as necessary.
SECRETARY: Keeps the minutes of meetings and members, is the custodian of corporate records and documents, and performs those duties incident of Secretary.
TREASURER: Is responsible for all monies due and payable to the organization, keeps accurate receipts, and deposits funds.
Additional board seats will be appointed by the 2015 President.
Anonymous electronic voting will take place November 24 – December 8 via Ballot Bin. New officers will be announced at our annual holiday party in December. Watch your email inbox for more information.
Questions may be directed to the WIFD Elections Committee via elections@wifdallas.org. We look forward to your nominations!