For nearly two decades Women in Film Dallas has produced a PSA for a non-profit annually and this year’s organization is Jonathan’s Place. This volunteer production provides an opportunity for WIFD members to showcase their talents and gain experience as well as serve the community for a very worthy cause. This PSA will focus on Jonathan’s Place foster parenting program.
Production: Jonathan’s Place “YOU CAN”
Production Company: Women in Film Dallas
Audition Date: Saturday, June 17, 1-5 pm
Shoot Date(s): Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25
Location: Auditions and Shoot will be in the Dallas area.
Compensation: Digital Copy and Credit
Produced by: Alicia Pascual and Kerri Navarro
Directed by: Lisha Brock
Written by: Dee L. Evans
Casting by: Roni Hummel
Seeking actors able to portray the following:
Principals – speaking
Teresa – female 25-35, married to Sherry; unsure about foster parenting;
Dan – male, 50-60 years old, married to Liz; enjoys gardening
Liz – female, 50-60 years old, married to Dan; enjoys reading
Kim – female, 25-40 single, working professional
Child #1 – boy or girl, 4-6 years old; enjoys playing at park
Child #2 – boy or girl, 8-10 years old; not afraid to play in the dirt
Teenager – female, 13-15 years old
Principals – non-speaking
Sherry – female 25-35, married to Teresa; ready for parenting;
Father – male 25-40
Toddler – boy or girl, 2-4 years old; enjoys running around
Child #3 – boy or girl, 3-5 years old (younger sibling of Child #2); likes to be read to
Please note: All roles are open to all ethnicities. We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, please submit without regard to disability, race, age, color, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Submission: Please submit ASAP to wifdpsa2017@gmail.com with “Audition” in the subject. Please include:
· Name
· Phone number
· Headshot
· Role submitting for
Parent/guardian submitting for actors under 18, please include your full name.