Women in Film Dallas seeks female or male voice-over spokesperson for Jonathan’s Place PSA that just wrapped filming. The purpose of the PSA is to encourage adults to become foster parents or foster-to-adopt parents. Over 4,000 children in the Dallas are currently in need. We thank you in advance for lending your time and talent to submit for this worthy cause.
Production: Jonathan’s Place “YOU CAN”
Production Company: Women in Film Dallas
Deadline to Submit: Monday, July 5, by 5 p.m.
Compensation: Digital Copy and Credit
Recording Date: To be arranged with VO Artist’s schedule
Produced by: Alicia Pascual and Kerri Navarro
Directed by: Lisha Brock
Submission: Please submit MP3 file of the audition excerpt below by deadline to wifdpsa2017@gmail.com with “PSA VO” in the subject. Please include your FULL NAME and PHONE NUMBER in the body of the email.
The complete script for reference can be found here.
Please submit 2 reads.
First read - normal pace.
Second read - strive for 25-30 seconds.
Use your natural voice.
Standard American or hint of Texas accent.
Audition Excerpt:
If you want to make a real
difference, let Jonathan’s Place
show you how to become a foster parent
or foster-to-adopt.
At Jonathan’s Place, we are
committed to matching high-quality
caregivers with children in need.
Through free training and step-by step
assistance, Jonathan’s Place
offers a comprehensive program
ensuring your success in providing
a safe, loving home.
Contact Jonathan’s Place now.
The life you change may be your own.