Join us at our WIFD ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING and our FINAL WIFD M&M, Monthly Monday Meeting of the year!! We are excited to wrap up the year with you!
Since this is the end of the year, ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, YOU MUST be an active member to attend and only members will be permitted. If you're not an official member, don't worry! We'll see you in the new year for January's Monthly Monday Meeting!
November is National Career Development month, so come ready to engage and celebrate all that WIFD has accomplished with you, this year! Each board member of WIFD will discuss their department's success and we'll have an end of year membership wrap up to see how much we've grown!
To receive the Zoom link for the meeting, you must RSVP, so get 'er done and join us! The Zoom link will be sent via email before the meeting begins.
We encourage our new members to attend each meeting to network and get the most of your WIFD membership. We look forward to seeing your faces and hearing your lovely voices!