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WIFD M&M - May Monthly Monday Meeting!

  • Monday, May 20, 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom Meeting

Registration is closed

Join us for the WIFD M&M, our Monthly Monday Meeting

w/ Special Guest Actress, Author and Host

Nellie Sciutto!

 Nellie Sciutto began her acting career as a petite model in New York City   (Elite Model Management) and Asia and got her first acting jobs on soap   operas such as Another World, One Life to Live, and All My Children. After   completing her degree at Yale University, she began her acting studies at The   Actors' Studio and Ensemble Studio Theatre in New York City before relocating   to Los Angeles.

 Nellie started with stand-up comedy, then a one-person show entitled   "Denying Park Avenue" which she sold to HBO. She went on to appear and   star in sitcoms like Murphy Brown, Suddenly Susan, Damon, Just Shoot Me,   Ink, dramas like JAG, Eyes, and Law and Order, and in feature films: The   Aviator (with Leonardo DiCaprio), The Departed (with Leonardo DiCaprio, Alec   Baldwin and Martin Sheen), Shutter Island, (with Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark   Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, and Jackie Earle Haley) and Haunted Echos (with Sean   Young) Mindcage (with John Malkovich and Martin Lawrence), among others.   She co-directed (with James Biberi) and starred in the feature Fixing Rhonda.

 Throughout her career, she has been a writer and wrote her first book, "50   Moments: Faking It, Making it and Taking It in Hollywood as a Working Actor,"   which chronicles her 30-year career. You can listen to Nellie on her podcasts   "The Bubble Lounge Podcast" about living in Highland Park in Dallas, and the   podcast that accompanies her book where she interviews celebrities about   their personal Hollywood experiences. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Kenny Peters

To receive the Zoom link for the meeting, you must RSVP, so get 'er done and join us! The Zoom link will be sent via email before the meeting begins.

New member or a potential member? Introduce yourself and let us know how WIFD can help you and your peers in 2024!

We encourage our new members to attend each meeting to network and get the most of your WIFD membership. We look forward to seeing your faces and hearing your lovely voices!

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