2013 Grants (more info here)
Providing financial assistance through scholarships and grants has been a primary goal and mission of WIF.D since the beginning. In 2013, we will offer one college tuition scholarship (undergraduate or graduate level) and two grants, one a finishing fund and the other a production grant for a female high school student.
$2,500 Finishing Fund Grant Guidelines:
Submission Deadline is June 29.
The $2,500 Finishing Funds Grant is presented to a current Women In Film.Dallas member, professional, student or corporate to help complete an existing project. New membership is encouraged for consideration! The recipient of this grant will select the production house or services company that will best help them complete their project. Grant monies will be paid directly to the participating production house.
Applicant must be:
*Female and current member of WIF.D
*Presenting an existing project that is ready for post production services
Required Documents:
*Completed application form
*Sample footage (online link preferable) of the work in progress, no longer than ten (10) minutes, with a one (1) page description of content. To mail us a DVD, please see address below.
*Project Documentation: written proposal consisting of treatment, character descriptions, shooting schedule, budget and any other information the applicant deems appropriate.
*Self-addressed, stamped padded envelope for return of work samples (if applicable)
$500 High School Production Grant Guidelines:
Submission Deadline is June 29.
The purpose of this grant is to give the student the means to create an original short film that will showcase their talent and help secure future work in the industry after graduation. Up to $500 will be reimbursed in production receipts on completion and delivery of trailer or clip for promotion on our website.
Applicant must be:
*A North Texas female High School student.
*Presenting a project that is ready for production. Either a fully realized idea, treatment or completed script.
Required Documents:
application form.
*Personal statement.
*Copy of treatment, script or synopsis of idea.
Please complete the application and email it to: education@wifdallas.org or send to our mailing address:
Women In Film.Dallas
5930 Royal Lane Ste E, PMB 236
Dallas, Texas 75230