May 18 - 20, 2018
Abernethy Media Professionals
10763 Sanden Dr.
Dallas, TX 75238
Learn the Ropes from the PROs
Friday, May 18 - 7PM to 9:30PM
Kick off the evening mixing with industry professionals. Networking is the key to success in this industry! Appetizers and beverages provided.
Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20 - 10AM to 6PM
Both days are filled with in-depth and hands-on instruction. Lunch and snacks provided.

And MUCH More!
Student*? Intern? New-ish to the industry? Want a refresher?
All are welcome (women and men)
*With registration, college students qualify for
a one-year FREE WIFD membership.
Bring proof of enrollment and we'll sign you up on the spot!

Do good while you shop! A percentage of your purchase through Amazon Smile helps Women in Film Dallas provide opportunities for female filmmakers in the North Texas community. Thank you!